Julimar Night Drive 15th March 2025 – open for booking

General Info:

bookings are now open for this Fun Night Drive in Julimar Forest about an hour northeast of Perth.
The Julimar Forest Tracks are fun in the day and considerably more challenging in the dark with plenty of rutted tight bends and steep short sections and plenty of mud after a heavy rain.
The area is packed with a large number of medium hill climbs. you can drive around the area fairly quickly in the daylight. At night, this is another story! The tracks are very obvious and there are more than enough to enjoy.

Vehicles must have good cleance and a minimum of all terrain tyres.

We will find a lovely spot to stop for dinner, so bring along a picnic tea
Being a night Drive the temperature will a little cooler.

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50th Anniversary of Safe and Responsible four wheel driving in the bush

Our objective is to establish, maintain and conduct a Club of an educational, recreational, social and non-political character for the purpose of promoting and fostering safe and intelligent four wheel driving.

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